Spring Cleaning Time! 

Peace and love y’all! 

I’m so excited to write about my favorite time of the year…SPRING

Flowers are blooming, leaves are growing and dancing, rain showers are here and it’s getting warmer. Well, at least on some days. This sister is still wearing winter coats here and there.

Before I knew I was a Hebrew Yisraelite, this time of the year mattered to me in a natural sense. Why? Because it just felt new. Come on, bright colors and beautiful flowers return. I love flowers and nature so much, thus I love to watch the plants & flowers bloom to be beautiful and become their purpose. There’s much symbolism there. Such as obedience, joy, order, and peace. (But that’s another blog post!)

What I do enjoy about spring or the arrival of it is….

Yesterday I can home from work early and decided that I can start cleaning out my closets and dressers. I let go of clothes, shoes, papers I thought took space and no longer needed. Then the thought was placed in my mind that spring cleaning is so deeper than searching my closet! 

Spring cleaning has a lot of symbolism in it for me in a spiritual sense that I’d like to share. 

Cleaning out my things is symbolic to purging my life, like a detox. Today, I went through my clothes and belongings to see what I use or don’t use, what’s taking up space and what’s useful. It helps declutter and just bring about a renewed peace. Letting go is apart of the process, and depending on your will, that can be the hardest part of the process. But we’ve got to clean up! 

Being a Hebrew Yisraelite, I recognize that the Feast of the Most High Yah, Passover is approaching. Spiritually, it is a time of self-reflection to see if there be leaven/sin (yeast) in my heart. And when sin is acknowledged, the purging begins. This is similar to throwing things out, The Most High takes an active part in His people’s lives by showing them their sins. 

“Search me, O Ěl, and know my heart; Try me, and know my thoughts; And see if an idolatrous way is in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalms 139:23-24

In becoming a better woman, I want to let go of so much that binds me to the old girl I used to be. It takes more than writing this blog. Just as cleaning out a room can take up time (depending on the clutter) purging takes action/work. 

I’m so grateful for spring! I’m so grateful for this new year! 

If you desire to become a better woman, while you search your closets, search your heart for any negativity you’ve been harboring. My hope is that you let it go and gain positivity . 



What is this blog about anyway? 

Good question! 

Blessings to ALL of my viewers, readers, and supporters. You know you are welcome to visit here at all times. And you’re also welcome to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and can also e-mail me  at abetterwomancafe@gmail.com.  And if you didn’t know that, now you do! Lol, I really do like hearing from you all. It helps me know I’m not singing a sad song and that someone is interested in this blog haha! PS: I’ll follow you back so we can stay connected.

So back to answering the question. When I first started this blog last October, I was not half the person I am today. No, no. I don’t think I’m all of that now. But it’s true. I knew less and carried a lot more emotionally, spiritually and especially mentally. BUT. There’s one thing that has remain the same. The desire to be a better woman. 

…and that’s what my blog is about. 

Desiring better for myself and other women. I desire to live, think, love, cook, pray better. Do I have all the answers? Nope. After all I’m still a youngin lol. So if you’re a mommy desiring to become better, I’d love to hear from you on how I can become a better woman! Real stuff.  Because I’m not a mother yet. I can’t share what I don’t know, so let’s make this into a community. With straight posivity, support, love and growth.  Oh, now I’m pumped!


So stay tuned with my blog. There are a lot of changes coming and I’m excited for the route of this blog. If you have any ideas you’d like to share, please leave them in the comment below! 

Otherwise, I look forward to connecting with you via social media. 
Peace and love y’all! 

Rachel Nadine 

I’m back!

Hey amazing readers! 

I’ve been away for about two weeks and I am officially back. Back with more juice, energy, pazazz and all that good stuff! ​

In two weeks, so much has changed! Lol, it’s interesting how that happened but that’s my life. What I am proud to say is, a lot has changed for the better but we can talk about that in another blog right?!

I do want to share what taking a break from social media for 1-1.5 week has done for me. Cause I’m feeling like a N E W woman! Haha! Let’s get to it! 

  • First, I had to spend more time with The Most High. Time from work, social media and organization my life gave me time to just do what I want and need to be doing.  And in spending time with Him, I learned more the so of who I am and how my nature is. I followed patterns, habits and my body. I learned more about this person I am. I’m so grateful to The Most High that I’ve learned more of myself. For beholding brings forth change. 
  • I got to spend more time with my spiritual family and just connect with them. Since we’re all so busy with work and goals, this was our chance to pause and learn more of each other. That was amazing. I love them all.
  • Lastly, I was able to just… relax from the constant clicking! Lol. So much has been going on in my life and it involves a whole lot of typing and clicking and surfing the web. I did miss seeing my beautiful followers and their posts, but I was able to just chill and recharge my battery. 

Time away was very much needed y’all! I learned about myself (and others) and I decided to change a few things. Truthfully, I was getting a bit tired in other areas in my life, so I needed to rest. You know … I took my own advice (Click here for my own advice). 

Sometimes we just need time away, to unplug, reconnect, rest and recharge. Make sure you are giving yourself that time to do so. I challenge you to try it for a day and spend time with amazing people. You alone can be that amazing person! You’ll discover so much! Give it a try! If you’ve tried it before or want to take up the challenge, share below! I want to hear from you! 

Rachel Nadine